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Saturday, May 26, 2012


 StarTracker iPhone app review
One of the most exciting days in Elementary School is the day when they blow up what seemed like a huge observatorium and everyone crawled in to gaze at the stars shown above and marvel at the stories that went along with it. Now, with StarTracker from Shen Ji Pan, you can make your back yard your own observatorim using your iPhone.
StarTracker has a user friendly interface and is simple to understand. The application must be given permission to access your location so that it is able to use the built in gyroscope compass, which allows StarTracker to identify what stars you are seeing. By pointing your camera toward the sky StarTracker can tell you exactly what you are seeing.

StarTracker features a search mode that enables you to select what planet, star or constellation you want to find and points you in the right direction. The Augmented Reality runs smoothly without any glitches or delays.
StarTracker iPhone app review
One change that I feel would benefit this app is providing background on the stars or constellations you are looking at. Facts like how far away each star is or the folk tales that go along with each constellation could improve StarTracker immensely.
At a price of $2.99 StarTracker for iPhone 4S deserves a 4/5 rating. It is excellent for anyone who enjoys star gazing and can also be educational. With updates frequently, StarTracker may be just what you have been looking for.

Download StarTracker
Price: $2.99

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