Google fürs iPhone jetzt auch in deutsch! Et en français .. en in het Nederlands and in many more languages. When we launched our new Google interface for the iPhone at Macworld in San Francisco last January, a number of you approached us at our booth and asked when you could use our new interface in your home country. (Yes, San Francisco IS a very cosmopolitan city.) I am happy to say: the time has come. Today we're launching our new integrated Google experience for the iPhone and iPod Touch in 33 new markets and 16 new languages, from Argentina to New Zealand, from Swedish to Chinese.
Google on the iPhone is a great way to access your most used Google services. Some of its benefits include
- Fast and fluid search with one-tap access to News, image, local, or web results and search query suggestions when you start typing
- Automatic delivery of Gmail messages (no need to refresh your browser!), and auto-completion of email addresses when typing
- A combined month-and-current-day view of your always-in-sync Google Calendar, and the ability to share pictures with friends and family using Picasa Web Albums
To try out the new Google interface, just point your iPhone or iPod Touch web browser to
Furthermore, if you use Google Apps - now is the time to use your domain name on the iPhone as well. Just bookmark for fast one-click access to Google. Please make sure to replace YOURDOMAIN with your actual domain name.

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