Today, the Google mobile ads team is announcing a new campaign-level option that allows those of you who are AdWords advertisers to show your desktop text and image ads on the iPhone, the T-Mobile G1, and other mobile devices with full (HTML) Internet browsers. The ads can point to desktop landing pages so you don't need to create mobile landing pages or ads in mobile formats. The ads will have many of the same benefits as our standard mobile ads, such as the delivery of mobile-specific calls-to-action and reaching mobile users that are searching with their phones more than ever -- especially during the holiday season.
You may have seen ads running on the iPhone and G1 already. That's because Google Search on these devices used to show desktop results pages modified for these phones. Recently, the Google mobile team launched new results pages formatted specifically for the iPhone. Now, advertisers will be able to display ads exclusively on these mobile devices, create campaigns for them, and get separate performance reporting. If you prefer not to show your desktop ads on these phones, you can opt out and show ads only on desktop and laptop computers.
To target ads for G1 and iPhone, go to your campaign settings tab in your AdWords account. Then for the "Device Platform" option under "Networks and Bidding," select "iPhones and other mobile devices with full internet browsers." As additional devices that use full browsers enter the market, your ads will show on those phones, too. You can visit the AdWords Help Center for more detailed instructions and watch my video below for a quick demo. If you currently have an AdWords campaign running, by default your campaign will show ads on desktop and laptop computers, as well as iPhone and G1.
Note that if you're currently running our mobile ads, this new option for desktop ads does not affect your campaign. You can still create mobile ads that show up on other mobile devices like before. For a refresher on our mobile ad formats, check out my past posts on the Google mobile blog and past videos on the mobile blog YouTube channel.
Monday, December 8, 2008
New AdWords options for iPhone and G1
- App Iphone IPad (41)
- Asia (87)
- Beauty pageant (206)
- Beauty pegeant (8)
- BlackBerry (25)
- BlackBerry Storm (2)
- Brazil (30)
- China Hot girl (19)
- Fashion (10)
- Google Apps (7)
- Google Mobile Search (19)
- Guide install for iPhone / iPa/ id Pod (16)
- Hot Girl (89)
- IOS (5)
- Interative web app (2)
- Iphone (86)
- Iphone4 (31)
- Iphone4s (8)
- Iterative Webapp (6)
- Japan girl (4)
- Miss Bikini International 2011 (18)
- Miss Supranational 2011 (15)
- Miss World 2011 (66)
- Miss-America-2011 (18)
- Miss-USA-2011 (11)
- News (113)
- North America (54)
- Sexy Girl (433)
- South America (62)
- Sylvia Nduka (1)
- Theme Iphone (15)
- USA (17)
- United States (4)
- actress (22)
- beauty contest (22)
- gmail for mobile (21)
- google buzz for mobile (5)
- google docs (6)
- google gears for mobile (5)
- google instant (3)
- google latitude (21)
- google location history (3)
- google maps for mobile (60)
- google mobile ads (14)
- google product search (4)
- google search (45)
- google search app (24)
- google search by voice (5)
- google search for mobile (10)
- google translate (8)
- google voice (9)
- google+ (7)
- googlenew (28)
- iPad2 (61)
- ipad (8)
- ipod touch (11)
- my location (16)
- palm webos (10)
- search by voice (9)
- symbian (8)
- t-mobile (3)
- tablet (5)
- transit (8)
- windows mobile (17)
- youtube (12)
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