Tên: Cà phê Lâm Yuen Hà (林婉霞)
Ngày sinh: Ngày 21 Tháng Chín 1989
Chiều cao: 163 cm
Trọng lượng: 46 kg
Các phép đo: 33 23 34
Blog: http://blog.tvb.com/coffeelam/
T. Sina: http://t.sina.com.cn/coffeelam
Information about: Coffee Lam Yuen Ha (林婉霞) joined TVB in 2008 as a TVB artist. Coffee attention after appearing in the TVB drama series in 2008, Off Pedder (毕 打 自己人) as Aima who always dressed in her sexy. Additionally, coffee has also appeared in the recent 2010 Women Are The Most pain (女人 最 痛) as saleswoman SY, 2010 Interpol (刑警) as Yuki and 2010, 72 tenants (72 家 租客). Anyway, only the best coffee available here, all filtered by http://dailylenglui.blogspot.com.
By Edge

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