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Monday, January 2, 2012

iPad 2 Launch In London Greeted With Very Long Lines

There were long lines outside Apple stores when iPad 2 was launched in the US, especially outside Apple’s flagship Store on Fifth Avenue in New York City, but we’ve never seen a line as long as the one seen outside Apple’s Regent Street store in London for the iPad 2 launch yesterday.
Fortune reports that there were thousands in the queue for iPad 2.Julian Alexander (AKA Tommo_UK) on Investor Village's AAPL Sanity board wrote:
"The lines were bigger than for ANY launch, I have ever seen, for anything, anywhere. Including for any iPhone launched to-date or last year's iPad.”
He goes on to add:
"Simply awe inspiring. There must have been several thousand people lining up outside the Regent Street and the Covent Garden stores by the time I checked at 6-7 pm, when the queues were at their peak. They are selling on eBay for up to double the retail price, right now.”
You can checkout the video below of the line outside Apple’s Regent Street store (courtesy folks at OnlyGizmos):
As you might have noticed, it took the videographer four minutes to shoot the video of the line, which tells the story.

Some of you might call this crazy but Robert Scoble had aptly put it "waiting in line for an Apple product is glorious, even if it is idiotic."
If you waited in line and managed to get your hands on the new iPad 2 then let us know in the comments.

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